
Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing

The Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing Podcast grants you access to expert real estate investors, syndicators, lenders, property managers and advisors. These experts share their stories, tips and advice on how they successfully built their businesses, and their fortunes, through multi-family real estate investing. Host Rod Khleif is a seasoned and passionate real estate investor who has personally owned and managed over 2000 apartments and homes. Rod has combined his passion for real estate investing with his personal philosophies of self-actualization, goal setting, envisioning, and manifesting success to become one of America’s top real estate investment professionals. If you’re looking for financial freedom through multi-family real estate investing and want to learn strategies from some of the best real estate investors in the country… then this is the podcast for you. We are only interested in adding value to our listeners and helping them find financial success.
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Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing











All Episodes
Now displaying: February, 2017
Feb 27, 2017

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • The pros and cons of getting your real estate license.
  • Finding below market deals.
  • The pros and cons of wholesaling.
  • Looking through a lifestyle filter.
  • Turning buyers into lenders.
  • What is the speed of trust?
  • Why to shoot with a rifle rather than a shotgun.
  • What strategic parameters to use when searching for property owners.
  • How to show a seller ROI.
  • Building a lifestyle on cash flow.
  • Controlling a property vs. owning a property using leverage.
  • What is R1, R2, and R3?
  • It all starts with a great location.
  • Learning about change of use.
  • What’s good for the city’s tax assessment is good for an investor.
  • Work a strategy, build a system, and stop chasing an opportunity.
  • The benefit of a morning ritual.
  • Where focus goes, energy flows.
  • Book recommendation: “The Power of Focus” by Jack Canfield
  • Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif
  • Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties.”

Our Guest

You can learn more about at Erik Stark at:


Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Recommended Resource

  • Looking to invest in a multi-family real estate project? Want to partner with me personally on a deal? To schedule a time for us to talk click on this link:

Review and Subscribe

Posted in Podcast Tagged acquisitions, Erik Stark, apartment investing, apartments, appreciation, Assisted Living, broker, brokers, business, cash flow, cashflow, commercial, commercial real estate, CRE, CRE investing, Defaulted paper, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, equity, Eviction, expert, experts, Foreclosure, funding, Hedge fund, investing, investing in real estate, investments, Rod Khleif, Rod Khleif Florida, Rod Khleif Real Estate, Riyad Khleif , manager, mergers, millionaire, multi-family, multifamily, Office, passive income, podcast, private lending, private money, property management, raw land investing, real estate, real estate broker, real estate cashflow, real estate coaching, real estate investing, real estate investor. Investing, REIT, Retail, Robert Kiyosaki, sales, Sales Coach, sales expert, Sales Training, Self Storage, Selling, Senior Living, Shopping Center, Short Sale, Suburban Office, syndication, training, value add, Repositioning assets, multi-family expert, multifamily expert, multi family investing, multifamily training



Feb 27, 2017


Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • Energy is contagious.
  • Success and wealth comes from the combination of energy and ideas.
  • Positive energy comes from passion.
  • "Without passion you don't have energy, without energy you have nothing." - Donald Trump
  • When you have positive energy and passion what you do is effortless and you have the ability to inspire and influence others.
  • You are personally responsible for the energy that you bring to every interaction.
  • People like to be around people that give off positive energy.
  • Pay attention to who your energy increases and decreases when you’re around them, the universe gives off hints.
  • Surround yourself with positive energy.
  • We attract things and people into our lives that are at the same energy level we are.
  • “Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy this is physics.” –Albert Einstein
  • Positive energy attracts positive energy.
  • To attract positive things into your life, you have to give off positive energy.
  • Practice gratitude daily.
  • Music can raise your energy.
  • Remember life happens for you, not to you.
  • Try to see the positive in everything.
  • Let go of resentments and forgive everyone that needs to be forgiven.
  • Be in nature as often as you can.
  • Be sure your peer group is positive.
  • Take care of your health and your body.
  • Smile!
  • Decide, life is too short to be unhappy,
  • Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif
  • Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties”.

I hope you will join me next week for Your Driving Force Success Tip!

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Feb 20, 2017

Ted Mortarotti as a broker, investor and syndicator, Ted has been involved with over 2,000 multifamily units in his career. 


Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • If you’re willing to do what others are not, you’ll make money.
  • How Ted made the leap into multifamily real estate investing in the 1980s.
  • A great place to start in multifamily.
  • Why it’s important to do the things you may not like to do.
  • Why it’s not smart to go it alone.
  • How to choose partners.
  • Finding a mentor.
  • How to use a mentor to gain 20+ years knowledge in a year.
  • The cardinal sin in real estate investing (and how to avoid making it).
  • Time in real estate can sometimes fix deals.
  • How to fit reading into your busy day.
  • Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif
  • Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties.”

Our Guest

You can learn more about Ted Mortarotti at:

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Recommended Resource

  • Looking to invest in a multi-family real estate project? Want to partner with me personally on a deal? To schedule a time for us to talk click on this link:

Review and Subscribe

Posted in Podcast Tagged acquisitions, Ted Mortarotti, apartment investing, apartments, appreciation, Assisted Living, broker, brokers, business, cash flow, cashflow, commercial, commercial real estate, CRE, CRE investing, Defaulted paper, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, equity, Eviction, expert, experts, Foreclosure, funding, Hedge fund, investing, investing in real estate, investments, Rod Khleif, Rod Khleif Florida, Rod Khleif Real Estate, Riyad Khleif , manager, mergers, millionaire, multi-family, multifamily, Office, passive income, podcast, private lending, private money, property management, raw land investing, real estate, real estate broker, real estate cashflow, real estate coaching, real estate investing, real estate investor. Investing, REIT, Retail, Robert Kiyosaki, sales, Sales Coach, sales expert, Sales Training, Self Storage, Selling, Senior Living, Shopping Center, Short Sale, Suburban Office, syndication, training, value add, Repositioning assets, multi-family expert, multifamily expert, multi family investing, multifamily training


Feb 20, 2017

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • If you want your business to grow exponentially become an expert delegator.
  • To be a success as an entrepreneur you have to become a master delegator.
  • You can do anything you want to, but you can’t do everything you want to.
  • The only way to grow is to delegate.
  • “Delegation requires the willingness to pay for short term delays or failures in order to gain long term competency.” – Dave Ramsey
  • To be a success in business and in life, focus on your strengths and ideally delegate your weaknesses.
  • You can delegate authority, but you can’t delegate responsibility, you are still 100% responsible.
  • Delegate authority to create leaders, that’s the road to massive success.
  • "Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere.” – Ronald Reagan
  • Find people that are strong in the areas you are weak.
  • The more autonomy you can give your staff, the more they grow.
  • Give your team constructive and positive feedback regularly.
  • Don’t be a perfectionist or unrealistic.
  • The key to effective delegation is clearly defining your desired outcomes, making sure they understand and that they have the skill set or training, then measure and hold them accountable.
  • Look for people willing to take ownership.
  • Encourage and praise often.
  • Life and business are team sports.
  • To be successful you will need a great team.
  • Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif
  • Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties.”

    I hope you will join me next week for Your Driving Force Success Tip!

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Feb 16, 2017

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • The first and most important thing to learn to improve your sales skills.
  • How to use The Chamber of Commerce as a resource.
  • Selling is not what most people think it is.
  • The 2 extremes in personalities and temperaments.
  • The traits of the best sales people.
  • The greatest investment a person can make.
  • The importance of Practice.
  • Practice, practice, practice, (lessons learned from watching Tiger Woods practice golf.)
  • Repetition is the mother of skill.
  • The importance of using scripts and elevator pitches.
  • How to overcome your fear of sales.
  • Using rituals to improve your confidence.
  • What is a shower card?
  • The importance of gratitude - count your blessings every day.
  • People will say yes to your enthusiasm and excitement before they do your technical skills.
  • Consider doing 2 things at once.
  • The steps to truly master the art of selling.
  • How to get started in selling for absolutely nothing.
  • The basics of negotiation.
  • What is the difference between an objection and a negotiation point?
  • “5 Words to Live by, Do What You Fear Most. It’s what most Top Producers Do!”- Tom Hopkins
  • We all have 86,400 seconds in a day. Do the most productive thing possible at every given moment.
  • Focus and set priorities – don’t waste time.
  • “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job to become a person people like and trust and want to listen to.” – Tom Hopkins
  • Love people and use money. Never love money and use people and you will make all the money you could ever spend.” – Tom Hopkins
  • “You’re in the people business, work on the skill of getting along with people.”
    – Tom Hopkins
  • The things that have made the biggest difference in Tom’s life.
  • Book recommendation: How to Master the Art of Selling, by Tom Hopkins
  • Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif
  • Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties.”

Our Guest

You can learn more about Tom Hopkins and browse a free resource sales library at:

To learn more about the Tom Hopkins Advanced Sales Academy in Honolulu Hawaii March 10 & 11, 2017 please visit:


Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Recommended Resource

  • Looking to invest in a multi-family real estate project? Want to partner with me personally on a deal? To schedule a time for us to talk click on this link:


Review and Subscribe

Posted in Podcast Tagged acquisitions, Tom Hopkins, apartment investing, apartments, appreciation, Assisted Living, broker, brokers, business, cash flow, cashflow, commercial, commercial real estate, CRE, CRE investing, Defaulted paper, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, equity, Eviction, expert, experts, Foreclosure, funding, Hedge fund, investing, investing in real estate, investments, Rod Khleif, Rod Khleif Florida, Rod Khleif Real Estate, Riyad Khleif , manager, mergers, millionaire, multi-family, multifamily, Office, passive income, podcast, private lending, private money, property management, raw land investing, real estate, real estate broker, real estate cashflow, real estate coaching, real estate investing, real estate investor. Investing, REIT, Retail, Robert Kiyosaki, sales, Sales Coach, sales expert, Sales Training, Self Storage, Selling, Senior Living, Shopping Center, Short Sale, Suburban Office, syndication, training, value add, Repositioning assets, multi-family expert, multifamily expert, multi family investing, multifamily training

Feb 13, 2017

Anthony is responsible for overall operational, financial and strategic initiatives regarding the entire Southeastern US multi-family portfolio consisting of 1,000+ units located in 4 states.

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • What to look for income and expense statements.
  • What to find out when you’re interviewing investors and why.
  • What the lender looks for in an onsite inspection.
  • Why it’s important to walk every unit.
  • The list of items you need to get from the seller.
  • Understanding the eviction process in your state.
  • Why you should never do your own evictions.
  • What is an unlawful detainer filing?
  • Why it might be a good idea to spend a day and sit through eviction court.
  • What to look at in a market you’re not familiar with to see if a deal makes sense.
  • Website recommendation:
  • Recommended resource: National Apartment Association
  • Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif
  • Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties.”

  Our Guest

You can learn more about Anthony Triglia at:

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Recommended Resource

  • Looking to invest in a multi-family real estate project? Want to partner with me personally on a deal? To schedule a time for us to talk click on this link:

 Review and Subscribe

Posted in Podcast Tagged acquisitions, Anthony Triglia, Real Estate, apartment investing, apartments, appreciation, Assisted Living, broker, brokers, business, cash flow, cashflow, commercial, commercial real estate, CRE, CRE investing, Defaulted paper, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, equity, Eviction, expert, experts, Foreclosure, funding, Hedge fund, investing, investing in real estate, investments, Rod Khleif, Rod Khleif Florida, Rod Khleif Real Estate, Riyad Khleif , manager, mergers, millionaire, multi-family, multifamily, Office, passive income, podcast, private lending, private money, property management, raw land investing, real estate, real estate broker, real estate cashflow, real estate coaching, real estate investing, real estate investor. Investing, REIT, Retail, Robert Kiyosaki, sales, Sales Coach, sales expert, Sales Training, Self Storage, Selling, Senior Living, Shopping Center, Short Sale, Suburban Office, syndication, training, value add, Repositioning assets, multi-family expert, multifamily expert, multi family investing, multifamily training



Feb 13, 2017


Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." – John Quincy Adams
  • Real estate is a team sport. To be a success you must become a leader.
  • Leaders think about and focus on solutions, while followers think about problems.
  • Leaders do what’s right, not what’s easy.
  • Great leaders can translate a vision into reality.
  • “You have to think anyway, so why not think big?” – Donald J. Trump
  • Becoming a real estate investor requires a mind shift.
  • You may have to build a team.
  • Teams require leaders.
  • Decide who you want to become as a leader.
  • A great leader helps their team members’ magnify their strengths.
  • A great leader’s passion radiates out to inspire others.
  • The universe’s delays are no denials.
  • Great leaders have patience to stay focused on their ultimate goals.
  • Great leaders keep an open mind, remain flexible, and empower others.
  • “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.” – Jim Rohn
  • Be a leader that you would want to follow.
  • Great leaders are decisive.
  • When others are standing around wondering what to do about a problem, leaders will step up with a solution and handle the problem.
  • “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F Kennedy
  • Great leaders always ask, “How can I make it getter?”
  • Great leaders take 100% responsibility.
  • Great leaders are authentic.
  • Leadership is about “we”, not “me”.
  • The best leaders know life is about giving back.
  • Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif
  • Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties”.

I hope you will join me next week for Your Driving Force Success Tip!

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Feb 6, 2017

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • How being willing to do what others are not willing to do will lead you to success.
  • What is PITI?
  • The risks and/or rewards of inheriting tenants.
  • Looking at 150 deals before deciding to pull the trigger.
  • When to use a general contractor for rehab and renovations.
  • A tip to look for when checking out a contractor.
  • The best way to find the best vendors.
  • Great tips that help you take action.
  • A mentor relationship is give & get.
  • When is it smart to hire a property manager?
  • All businesses are made up of systems and people.
  • Book recommendation: “The E-Myth” by Michael Gerber
  • Book recommendation: “How To Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties” by Rod Khleif
  • Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif
  • Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties.”

Our Guest: 

To contact Ben Staples, email: 

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

  • Recommended Resource

    • Looking to invest in a multi-family real estate project? Want to partner with me personally on a deal? To schedule a time for us to talk click on this link:


Review and Subscribe

Posted in Podcast Tagged acquisitions, Ben Staples, Real Estate, apartment investing, apartments, appreciation, Assisted Living, broker, brokers, business, cash flow, cashflow, commercial, commercial real estate, CRE, CRE investing, Defaulted paper, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, equity, Eviction, expert, experts, Foreclosure, funding, Hedge fund, investing, investing in real estate, investments, Rod Khleif, Rod Khleif Florida, Rod Khleif Real Estate, Riyad Khleif , manager, mergers, millionaire, multi-family, multifamily, Office, passive income, podcast, private lending, private money, property management, raw land investing, real estate, real estate broker, real estate cashflow, real estate coaching, real estate investing, real estate investor. Investing, REIT, Retail, Robert Kiyosaki, sales, Sales Coach, sales expert, Sales Training, Self Storage, Selling, Senior Living, Shopping Center, Short Sale, Suburban Office, syndication, training, value add, Repositioning assets, multi-family expert, multifamily expert, multi family investing, multifamily training 

Feb 6, 2017

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • “It’s only by saying “NO” that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.” – Steve Jobs
  • Many people are programmed to say yes and have a problem saying no.
  • The more afraid we become of saying no, the harder it gets.
  • You don’t need a reason to say no.
  • “Choose discomfort over resentment”. Dr. Brené Brown
  • No is a complete sentence and doesn’t require justification or explanation.
  • “You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage—pleasantly, smilingly, non-apologetically, to say “no” to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger “yes” burning inside. The enemy of the “best” is often the “good.” – Stephen R. Covey
  • You may need to say no to a lot good things in order to be able to say yes to great things.
  • Say no to distractions.
  • Say no to toxic relationships.
  • Say no to foods that sap your energy.
  • Don’t confuse saying no with negativity.
  • Whenever possible, say no quickly to respect the other person’s time.
  • Saying no more often can help you regain control of your life.
  • “The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes.” - Tony Blair
  • Boundaries are healthy.
  • Set your boundaries so that you’re working and doing what you enjoy and don’t be afraid to say no.
  • Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif
  • Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties”.

I hope you will join me next week for Your Driving Force Success Tip!

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.