With crisis comes opportunity
To find out more about partnering or investing in a multifamily deal: Text Partner to 41411 or email Partner@RodKhleif.com
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One’s actions toward that reflect the integrity of the person you want to be. 100% Responsibility opens up your life and is one of the greatest secrets to success. It’s about ownership. Owning it and doing it. Takes courage and honesty.
$4 Million in 48 Hours
To find out more about our guest:
To find out more about partnering or investing in a multifamily deal: Text Partner to 41411 or email Partner@RodKhleif.com
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The power and momentum you bring into your life with a sense of urgency. Conditions are never perfect, there are no do-overs.The clock is ticking. Every goal has to have a deadline.Stop wasting time on things that don’t matter.
Social Media for Real Estate Entrepreneurs
To find out more about our guest:
To find out more about partnering or investing in a multifamily deal: Text Partner to 41411 or email Partner@RodKhleif.com
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Pushing through in spite of fear. Taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole road. Standing up for what matters to you and for those who can’t stand up for themselves. Courage is found outside your comfort zone. Small acts of courage build that muscle.
How to visualize your success
To find out more about our guest:
To find out more about partnering or investing in a multifamily deal: Text Partner to 41411 or email Partner@RodKhleif.com
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Accepting 100% responsibility for everything in your life is a secret to success. To be a leader, you have to take that ownership. Seasons and circumstances come and go, but you can always change yourself. Taking ownership creates forward momentum.