
Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing

The Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing Podcast grants you access to expert real estate investors, syndicators, lenders, property managers and advisors. These experts share their stories, tips and advice on how they successfully built their businesses, and their fortunes, through multi-family real estate investing. Host Rod Khleif is a seasoned and passionate real estate investor who has personally owned and managed over 2000 apartments and homes. Rod has combined his passion for real estate investing with his personal philosophies of self-actualization, goal setting, envisioning, and manifesting success to become one of America’s top real estate investment professionals. If you’re looking for financial freedom through multi-family real estate investing and want to learn strategies from some of the best real estate investors in the country… then this is the podcast for you. We are only interested in adding value to our listeners and helping them find financial success.
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Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing











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Now displaying: December, 2016
Dec 26, 2016

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • As you grow your wealth you must protect your assets.
  • The key for real estate is asset protection.
  • You must use LLCs help limit your liability.
  • By having the LLC own the asset you’re limiting your personal assets from exposure.
  • The advantages to having separate LLCs.
  • The advantages of a C Corporation.
  • Not every client is a good client.
  • Learn the signs of toxic people and avoid dealing with them.
  • Listen to and rely on your intuition.
  • Know that you may make mistakes and it’s ok.
  • Real Estate Loopholes by Garrett Sutton, Diane Kennedy, and Robert Kiyosaki
  • Book recommendation: Toxic Client: Knowing and Avoiding Problem Customers by Garrett Sutton
  • Text Rod to 41411 for a FREE Copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing.”


Our Guest

You can learn more about Garrett Sutton at:

or 1-800-600-1760 for a free consultation.

Mention “Rich Dad” for a $100 off a formation.


Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Recommended Resource

  • Looking to invest in a multi-family real estate project? Want to partner with me personally on a deal? To schedule a time for us to talk click on this link:

 Review and Subscribe

Posted in Podcast Tagged acquisitions, Garrett Sutton, Corporate Direct, apartment investing, apartments, appreciation, Assisted Living, broker, brokers, business, cash flow, cashflow, commercial, commercial real estate, CRE, CRE investing, Defaulted paper, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, equity, Eviction, expert, experts, Foreclosure, funding, Hedge fund, investing, investing in real estate, investments, Rod Khleif, Rod Khleif Florida, Rod Khleif Real Estate, Riyad Khleif , manager, mergers, millionaire, multi-family, multifamily, Office, passive income, podcast, private lending, private money, property management, raw land investing, real estate, real estate broker, real estate cashflow, real estate coaching, real estate investing, real estate investor. Investing, REIT, Retail, Robert Kiyosaki, sales, Sales Coach, sales expert, Sales Training, Self Storage, Selling, Senior Living, Shopping Center, Short Sale, Suburban Office, syndication, training, value add, Repositioning assets, multi-family expert, multifamily expert, multi family investing, multifamily training

Dec 26, 2016

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • It’s never a straight line to achieving your goals, there’s always obstacles.
  • When obstacles pop up, just change your approach, and get back on track.
  • Repeat over and over until you achieve your goal.
  • Manage your time and priorities. Consider tackling your toughest work first.
  • Surround yourself with people who motivate and encourage you.
  • Reward yourself, keep track of your progress, and have fun.
  • Consider using pictures to help you visualize your goals.
  • “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • Without a vision the people perish.
  • It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.
  • Embrace the fear and take action anyway.
  • Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif
  • Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my upcoming book.

I hope you will join me next week for Your Driving Force Success Tip!

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.


Dec 19, 2016

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • Joel purchased a 16 unit building with $5000 down.
  • Joel’s goal is to build a business to support his lifestyle that allows him to spend 6-8 months a year sailing with his family.
  • Joel’s system managing his properties located hours away.
  • What is the “vacancy factor?”
  • How Joel incentivizes his leasing agent.
  • What Joel tells his broker. (Joel’s deal criteria).
  • The 4 markets you should start to look in.
  • The parameters to use to evaluate potential markets.
  • Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif
  • Text ROD to 41411 for a FREE copy of my upcoming book.

Our Guest

You can learn more about Joel Florek and JF Holdings LLC at:


Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Recommended Resource

  • Looking to invest in a multi-family real estate project? Want to partner with me personally on a deal? To schedule a time for us to talk click on this link:


Review and Subscribe

Posted in Podcast Tagged acquisitions, Joel Florek, JF Holdings LLC, apartment investing, apartments, appreciation, Assisted Living, broker, brokers, business, cash flow, cashflow, commercial, commercial real estate, CRE, CRE investing, Defaulted paper, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, equity, Eviction, expert, experts, Foreclosure, funding, Hedge fund, investing, investing in real estate, investments, Rod Khleif, Rod Khleif Florida, Rod Khleif Real Estate, Riyad Khleif , manager, mergers, millionaire, multi-family, multifamily, Office, passive income, podcast, private lending, private money, property management, raw land investing, real estate, real estate broker, real estate cashflow, real estate coaching, real estate investing, real estate investor. Investing, REIT, Retail, Robert Kiyosaki, sales, Sales Coach, sales expert, Sales Training, Self Storage, Selling, Senior Living, Shopping Center, Short Sale, Suburban Office, syndication, training, value add, Repositioning assets, multi-family expert, multifamily expert, multi family investing, multifamily training


Dec 19, 2016


Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • “Most people fail, not because of lack of desire, but, because of lack of commitment.” – Vince Lombardi
  • “Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.” – Abraham Lincoln
  • Successful people became that way by totally committing to what they wanted to achieve.
  • When you’re 100% committed you don’t allow any excuses.
  • With the decision to commit comes power.
  • Commitment keeps you bonded to your goals.
  • “Life's greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment to act until they achieve.” – Tony Robbins
  • With each new commitment, your momentum will increase.
  • Total commitment turns into action and that’s when the magic begins.
  • Committing 99% is a far greater struggle than committing 100%.
  • Commitment requires discipline and determination.
  • When you commit your focus sharpens.
  • Condition yourself to keep your commitments.
  • Make your commitment public to help with accountability.
  • When you encounter a challenge and you’re committed, your heart will look for a solution. If you’re undecided, your heart will look for an escape.
  • Motivation will get you started, commitment will bring you to your dreams.
  • No matter what the obstacles, when you commit, you will find a way.
  • Text Rod to 41411 for a FREE copy of my book.

I hope you will join me next week for Your Driving Force Success Tip!

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Dec 12, 2016

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • The many tax benefits of real estate investing.
  • The 2 greatest financial benefits of real estate investing.
  • What’s the one thing people are more afraid of in life than death and public speaking?
  • Why cost segregation is required by law.
  • The only reason people put money in a 401K.
  • How to plan for your retirement outside of a qualified plan.
  • How to partner with the government to reduce your taxes to zero.
  • What is a Like-Kind Exchange?
  • The Rules of a 1031 Exchange.
  • What is a Qualified Intermediary?
  • What is a Reverse 1031 Exchange?
  • “Don’t let the tax-tail wag the investing dog.”
  • What could happen for real estate and taxes under a Trump Presidency?
  • Why leverage is important.
  • How Donald Trump gets to zero taxes.
  • Book recommendation: Tax-Free Wealth: How to Build Massive Wealth by Permanently Lowering Your Taxes by Tom Wheelwright CPA (Rich Dad Advisors)

Our Guest

You can learn more about at: Tom Wheelwright at:

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Recommended Resource

  • Looking to invest in a multi-family real estate project? Want to partner with me personally on a deal? To schedule a time for us to talk click on this link:


Review and Subscribe

Posted in Podcast Tagged acquisitions, Tom Wheelwright, apartment investing, apartments, appreciation, Assisted Living, broker, brokers, business, cash flow, cashflow, commercial, commercial real estate, CRE, CRE investing, Defaulted paper, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, equity, Eviction, expert, experts, Foreclosure, funding, Hedge fund, investing, investing in real estate, investments, Rod Khleif, Rod Khleif Florida, Rod Khleif Real Estate, Riyad Khleif , manager, mergers, millionaire, multi-family, multifamily, Office, passive income, podcast, private lending, private money, property management, raw land investing, real estate, real estate broker, real estate cashflow, real estate coaching, real estate investing, real estate investor. Investing, REIT, Retail, Robert Kiyosaki, sales, Sales Coach, sales expert, Sales Training, Self Storage, Selling, Senior Living, Shopping Center, Short Sale, Suburban Office, syndication, training, value add, Repositioning assets, multi-family expert, multifamily expert, multi family investing, multifamily training

Dec 12, 2016

 Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • Anyone that has succeeded in anything has likely had numerous setbacks and failures.
  • People who believe in themselves get back up when they get knocked down.
  • “When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.” - Honore de Balzac
  • You are more powerful than you possibly imagine.
  • Remember to celebrate your wins – even the small things.
  • Everything you give your full attention to grows and improves.
  • Focus on positive statements, it’s critical to your success.
  • Make sure your self-talk is positive.
  • Taking action is a powerful way to help you believe in yourself.
  • "If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." - Vincent Van Gogh
  • Make sure your environment empowers you.
  • Anything you put the words “I Am” in front of becomes an identity statement.
  • Our need to remain consistent with how we identify ourselves is one of our most powerful needs.
  • When you get knocked down, focusing on your goals will help you push through.
  • Be grateful. There’s no more powerful emotion on the planet than gratitude.
  • The only way for others to believe in you is for you to believe in yourself first.
  • Stay away from toxic people, they squash dreams.
  • Push yourself, get past your comfort zone. Embrace some uncertainty and live an extraordinary life!
  • Text Rod to 41411 for a FREE copy of my book.

I hope you will join me next week for Your Driving Force Success Tip!

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.


Dec 5, 2016

Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • What are the downsides to “Turnkey Real Estate?”
  • The benefits of multifamily investing over single family.
  • How multifamily property is valued.
  • What is a LOI?
  • What is the standard time for due diligence?
  • The best type of banks to develop a relationship with.
  • How to prequalify with a lender on a commercial property before you pick the property.
  • Bankers are relationship oriented.
  • The 4 markets in which you should consider investing.
  • What is a RUBS Program?
  • Setting up an online pipeline to attract tenants.
  • Using guerrilla marketing to fill vacant units.

Our Guest

You can learn more about Bill Manassero and Old Dawgs REI Network at:

You can learn more about Child Hope International at:

Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.

Recommended Resource

  • Looking to invest in a multi-family real estate project? Want to partner with me personally on a deal? To schedule a time for us to talk click on this link:

Review and Subscribe

Posted in Podcast Tagged acquisitions, Bill Manassero, apartment investing, apartments, appreciation, Assisted Living, broker, brokers, business, cash flow, cashflow, commercial, commercial real estate, CRE, CRE investing, Defaulted paper, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, equity, Eviction, expert, experts, Foreclosure, funding, Hedge fund, investing, investing in real estate, investments, Rod Khleif, Rod Khleif Florida, Rod Khleif Real Estate, Riyad Khleif , manager, mergers, millionaire, multi-family, multifamily, Office, passive income, podcast, private lending, private money, property management, raw land investing, real estate, real estate broker, real estate cashflow, real estate coaching, real estate investing, real estate investor. Investing, REIT, Retail, Robert Kiyosaki, sales, Sales Coach, sales expert, Sales Training, Self Storage, Selling, Senior Living, Shopping Center, Short Sale, Suburban Office, syndication, training, value add, Repositioning assets, multi-family expert, multifamily expert, multi family investing, multifamily training

Dec 5, 2016

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Get Everything You Want Out Of Life

  • What you focus on becomes your reality.
  • Thoughts are things.
  • Our ability to manifest what we want in life is more powerful than many of us realize.
  • Practice focusing on the positive.
  • Look for what’s right in a situation instead of what’s wrong.
  • Focus on what you want and take action when opportunities present themselves.
  • Olympic athletes regularly visualize their success years before they ever win a medal.
  • Believe it and you will achieve it.
  • Book recommendation: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
  • Book recommendation: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 
  • Book recommendation: The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill 
  • Book recommendation: The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
  • Book recommendation: Thought Vibration: The Law Of Attraction In The Thought World by William Walker Atkinson 

I hope you will join me next week for Your Driving Force Success Tip!


Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties?

If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.